Local Delivery
To order from our local direct delivery service - currently postcodes in the SK area - click here Brewery artwork
For Dogs Of War and other designs, as art prints, jewellery, even mugs - please go here for Emma's Etsy shop. If you want a particular beer's artwork. do message her there, or on twitter For trade enquiries, please use any of the following :
Mail ordering / Direct Retail
We do have a mail order webshop ...But before we link you to it... We don't want to draw custom away from independent bottle shops, who need you more than ever at the moment. Bricks-and-mortar shops do the work of getting new beer to new customers, and help to grow the overall market - we need them to survive and thrive. So if you have a local shop that carries our beer, please try to buy from there, rather than from us. It's no cheaper to buy direct - we've always sold our beer at retail prices so we don't hurt our trade customers. We're not aiming to compete, the best thing for us, long-term, is a whole independent beer 'ecosystem' that's sustainable and successful. Also postage is expensive, so if you only want one or two of our bottles, do try the excellent independent retailers who also sell online, and fill up your case with other breweries. Our latest Dogs Of War are now in many independent beer shops - for webshops, you can try Otters' Tears, Petersgate Tap, Hop Hideout, Beer Central. If you're in Stockport, try Bargain Booze Davenport, or WineBoy up on the market. For North Manchester, try Northern Beer Temple or Browtons. Cheers! Thanks for considering the above - here's the shop :) |